Last Restaurant
Made With Members of the Malvern community, of all ages!

Created By Strange Futures
Jane George - Writer/Director
Matthew Simmonds - Writer/Director/Chef
William Moore - Writer/Director/Matre D'
Alex Lake - Waiter 1
Mollie Guilfoyle - Waiter 2
Writers, Performing waiters, and Development by-
Margaret Adkins, Will Husbands, Eliza Thompson, Jacob Ireland, Ciara Jones, Freddie Barker, Amelia oung, Chantel Taylor, Rose Wilson & Strange Futures
Animations by -
Charley Radford, A.Jurca, L.Lajtai, M.Copsey, L.Gonzalez Guerro, I.Pedrosa Delindro FOntes, N.Green,N.Mumford, C.Oliveira Da SIlva, A.Celosia, M.To
With the help of year 4,5,6 pupils at St Mathias Primary School
Technical and Lighting design by -
Ben Hughes, with Pete Coxhead
And All the help and support from Nicola, Collin, Chris, and all the team at Malvern Cube community and arts centre