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Slow Cooked

Initially Postcode Lottery funded Project,

made With members of the Malvern community.

Now touring to communities nationally, being re-written at each new location, with the stories and tastes of peoples lives being celebrated.

Slow Cooked Stories,  is a unique blend of local history, story-telling, and live on-stage cooking. Initially written and performed in Malvern with financial support from the Postcode Lottery Trust. SCS is now touring nationally, with the help of Arts Council England and local funders.


 A Celebration of local diversity and heritage, shared together at the dinner table.

Strange futures take up residency in a community where they interview and taste, stories and food from all people, from every age and walk of life, within the community .
They then invite participants and audiences to an intimate dinner party.

We will all sit together at a table and the performers will offer you stories, whilst serving you 2-courses of food, from the stories, as well as extra individual small plates.

The stories and bits of conversations have been gathered from a variety of people in local community groups, individuals and friends and families. We haven’t used everything we’ve gathered but everything we have used has come from true stories, often – but not always – using people’s own words. 

The food has been cooked from recipes provided by people involved and cooked by professional chef. Once you have booked, we will email you to check if you are vegetarian, vegan or have any food allergies. You are also welcome not to eat the food, if you don’t want to! It will be tasters only, not a full meal.


Created By Strange Futures

Jane George - Writer/Director/Performer

Matthew Simmonds - Writer/Performer

William Moore - Writer/Performer

Alex Lake - Writer/Performer

Mollie Guilfoyle - Writer/Performer

Margaret Adkins - Writer/Performer

Eliza Ann - Performer

Research, interviews and stories are conducted and gathered by all of the above members of the cast.

Dee - Head Chef

Caitlin - Chefs assistant 

Pete Coxhead - Technical and lighting design 


With special thanks to Community Action, Link Nurseries, Malvern Welcomes and other individuals from the Malvern Community that we interviewed as Part of the Initial Development

And All the help and support from Nicola, Collin, Chris, and all the team at Malvern Cube community and arts centre.

The Show Is now touring nationally, and funded and supported by a wide range of organisations in each location we visit.

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