Strange Futures believe wholeheartedly in the saying, "the more the merrier".
Strange Futures focus on work which is devised from the ground up, using inspirations taken from the world around them , they let their imaginations run wild, having the most colorful, loud and playful rehearsal sessions you have ever seen!
The nature of their work means they thrive on bouncing ideas off of each other, and other professionals within the creative industry, who Strange Futures often bring on board with their projects.
This means Strange Futures are never more at home than when they are working and creating with as many people as possible, letting imagination and creativity take them as far as possible
They believe massively in spreading this inspiration and playful creativity, their 10 years of theatre, film, and television experience, and masters level theatre training, with as many people as possible.
Because of this, Strange Futures have devised a series of Workshops, which can be delivered independently, or alongside a performance, and can be tailored for students of schools colleges and universities, ranging from key-stage 2, all the way up to the professional level.
These workshops cover a range of different disciplines, such as puppetry, physical theatre and performance, and devising processes, and can also be tailored to specific student needs and curriculums.
To find out more about our workshop programme, contact us on, strangefutures@outlook.com